Arts & Culture in Saskatoon
Saskatoon is a city teeming with imagination, creativity, and culture.
Take a stroll along the vibrant muraled streetscapes of artful Broadway. Don’t forget to pack a camera! Explore the collections of our world-class public galleries, where local creatives share space with some of the art world’s most recognizable names. Or head to one of our many concert halls, basement bars, and outdoor performance spaces and lose yourself in the rhythm of our local music scene.

Batoche National Historic Site
Located 90km North of Saskatoon
Batoche SK S0K 4P0

Children's Festival of Saskatchewan
Unit 400 - MacMillan Building
Saskatoon SK S7K 0B4

Duck Lake Regional Interpretive Centre
5 Anderson Avenue and Highway #11
Duck Lake SK S0K 1J0

Fort Battleford National Historic Site/Parks Canada
Box 70
Battleford SK S0M-0E0