Museums & Heritage Sites
Ready for a blast from the past? Delve into the fascinating stories of this land and its peoples in the diverse museums and heritage sites of our city.
Each one tells an important part of the story of Saskatoon, from Indigenous history 11,000 years in the making to fascinating tales from the 20th century and beyond.

Batoche National Historic Site
Located 90km North of Saskatoon
Batoche SK S0K 4P0

Duck Lake Regional Interpretive Centre
5 Anderson Avenue and Highway #11
Duck Lake SK S0K 1J0

Fort Battleford National Historic Site/Parks Canada
Box 70
Battleford SK S0M-0E0

Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Centre
305-2555 Grasswood Road East
Saskatoon SK S7T 1C8

Saskatchewan Railway Museum
West on Highway 7 and 2 km south on Highway 60.
Saskatoon SK S7H 5N9