Life Outside Gear Exchange
We are a retail consignment store for outdoor gear and clothing. Our goal is to make life outside more accessible, affordable and sustainable. We sell all types of outdoor clothing and gear - great quality brand names, gently used, at great prices. Come check us out, and/or join the almost 3000 consignors who have made money by giving old gear a new life. Located at 514 Clarence Avenue South.
Life Outside Tours provides outdoor gear and camping rentals, bike rentals, and kayak rentals.Check out our tourism page here:
Rent a regular or electric bike and access the gorgeous Meewassin Trail, that loops the river. The all encompassing bike path is just blocks from our store!
Text or call 306-371-3690 or e- 306-371-3690 or email us at [email protected].
514 Clarence Avenue South
Saskatoon SK S7M0W2