Discover Saskatoon

Knitted Thrummed Mittens - Silver Willow Fibre Festival

Thrummed Mitten Knitting by Cathy Merley from A Single Strand Fibre Arts Studio. You will learn the thrum knitting technique and start on the mittens. For this workshop you have to be able to knit on 3 double point needles.

Workshop will be during the Silver Willow Fibre Festival Oct 5 from 9:00M-12:00PM. $85 includes all materials needed to complete one pair of mittens and free admission to the festival.

19 Gazier Road
Saskatoon SK

Knitted Thrummed Mittens - Silver Willow Fibre Festival - Mittens
Knitted Thrummed Mittens - Silver Willow Fibre Festival

19 Gazier Road
Saskatoon SK