Discover Saskatoon

Bloom Master: Advanced Techniques in Floral Design

Elevate your floral design skills with our exclusive Masterclass in Artisanal Floristry. This premium course is designed for individuals who are serious about floristry and seek to master the craft. Led by renowned floral artists, this class covers advanced techniques, including the use of exotic blooms and sophisticated arrangement styles. Participants will have access to a wide range of high-quality flowers and will receive personalized guidance to refine their artistry.

Experience includes a welcome cocktail, florals, vase, tools, and instructions to create an exceptional masterpiece.

June 9 at 11am
July 20 at 11am
Aug 10 at 11:00am
Aug 24 at 11am

245 Valley Road
Saskatoon SK S7K 3J6

Bloom Master: Advanced Techniques in Floral Design - Floral Design
Bloom Master: Advanced Techniques in Floral Design

245 Valley Road
Saskatoon SK S7K 3J6