Discover Saskatoon

Eco-Printing on Paper- Silver Willow Fibre Festival

Eco-printing by Connie Chaplin. You will learn the basics of eco printing on a number of different papers using local leaves and flowers, feel free to bring some with you to the class. There will be lots to choose from as well. Natural dye will be available to use with our papers in order to explore other possibilities. This workshop will enable each student to continue eco printing on paper at home and be a great start to continue eco printing on cloth. You will make numerous papers that can be made into cards, journal pages, or frame artwork. All levels welcome.

The workshop will be from 9:00am-12:00pm on Oct 5 2024 During the Silver Willow Fibre Festival.
Cost of the workshop is $85, this includes all material AND free entrance to the festival.

19 Gazier Road
Saskatoon SK

Eco-Printing on Paper- Silver Willow Fibre Festival - Eco-Printing On Paper
Eco-Printing on Paper- Silver Willow Fibre Festival

19 Gazier Road
Saskatoon SK