Discover Saskatoon

Open House for Canadian Federation of University Women

Event Sept 8th
Time 2 - 4 pm

Open House for the Canadian Federation of University Women - Saskatoon Branch. This organization supports education for women locally, nationally and internationally. Our Saskatoon group raises money for scholarships for post secondary education through our annual book sale. At the Open House CFUW VP of the prairies prairies will speak about her experience as our CFUW delegate to the United Nation, where we have consultative status, our provincial regional director will speak about our provincial bursary, our delegates that attended in national AGM in July will give us a brief report. We will also tell you about our numerous interest groups, a great way to socialize.

4th Ave N
Saskatoon SK S7K 2L7

Canadian Federation of University Women  Open House
Presented By: Downtown Saskatoon
Date: Sun, Sep 8 2024

4th Ave N
Saskatoon SK S7K 2L7

Location: W A Edwards Centre 333 4th Ave N
Time: 2 - 4 pm
Price: none
Open House for Canadian Federation of University Women

4th Ave N
Saskatoon SK S7K 2L7