Night Sounds Nature Tour
Event April 4th, 2025
Time 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Join Stan Shadick as he leads your party on a night driving trip from Saskatoon along backroads in wooded areas During this Night Sounds Birding tour, we will make frequent stops near woods and ponds to listen for the hooting of Great Horned Owls and the whistles of Northern Saw-whet owls. We may also hear the drumming of a Ruffed Grouse or the whinny of a Wilson’s Snipe. Other sounds might include the duck-like calls of Wood Frogs, the comb-like call of Boreal Chorus Frogs or the howling of a pack of coyotes. Who knows what other sounds we might discover!
Fri, Apr 4 2025
2610 Lorne Avenue
Saskatoon SK S7J 0S6
Western Development Museum parking lot
7:30 pm - 10:30 pm
$95 per vehicle with 1 - 5 persons