Discover Saskatoon

Felted Silk Scarf- Silver Willow Fibre Festival

Felted silk scarf by Terra Dionne from Spin it In this workshop you will use silk and merino wool to create a one of a kind scarf. No experience necessary! There will be some rolling of a towel involved, let us know if you might need help rolling.

The workshop will be during the Silver Willow Fibre Festival Oct 5 from 1-4pm.
Costs are $135 which includes all materials needed AND free admission to the festival.

19 Gazier Road
Saskatoon SK S0K0M0

Felted Silk Scarf- Silver Willow Fibre Festival - Felted Silk Scarf
Felted Silk Scarf- Silver Willow Fibre Festival

19 Gazier Road
Saskatoon SK S0K0M0