Discover Saskatoon

Meet Our Legacy Builders

Our Legacy Builders combine proven leadership and specialized expertise with a strong sense of civic pride and a passion for showcasing our city on a national and global stage. 

In partnership with our business development team and local community stakeholders, they work tirelessly to promote Saskatoon as a host city of choice for conferences, meetings, business, sporting events, and beyond.

Headshot of Tribal Chief Mark Arcand
Tribal Chief Mark Arcand

Tribal Chief, Muskeg Lake Cree Nation

Headshot for Namarta Kochar
Namarta Kochar

Special Projects Officer, University of Saskatchewan

Headhot for Milton Tootoosis
Milton Tootoosis

Chief Economic Reconciliation Officer, Saskatoon Regional Economic Development Authority

Headshot for Candace Sheirling
Candace Schierling

Director of Marketing and Communications, Remai Modern

Headshot for Neil Saskamoose
Neil Sasakamoose

Board Member, Fred Sasakamoose "Chief Thunderstick" National Hockey Championship

Headshot for Shirley Isbister
Shirley Isbister

President, Central Urban Métis Federation Inc.

Headshot for Scott Ford
Scott Ford

Executive Director, SaskTel Centre

Headhot for Daniel Chen
Dr. Daniel Chen

Professor, University of Saskatchewan Department of Mechanical Engineering and Division of Biomedical Engineering

Headhot for Dr. Vikram Misra
Dr. Vikram Misra

Professor, University of Saskatchewan Department of Veterinary Microbiology

Headshot for Rob
Rob O’Connor

Show Director, Ag in Motion

Headshot for Lidia Matei
Dr. Lidia Matei

Corporate Business Officer, Sylvia Fedoruk Canadian Centre for Nuclear Innovation Inc.

Headshot for Shad
Shad Ali

Director, Eclat Lighting Initiative; Vice-Chair, CSAE Saskatchewan Network Council; Director, Volunteer Management Professionals of Canada

Headhot for Kim Ali
Kim Ali

Partner, On Purpose Leadership Inc.; Member, Greater Saskatoon and Area Chamber of Commerce

Headshot for Michael Leier
Michael Lier

Curl Saskatoon President

Headhot for Dr. Rancacharyuly
Dr. Chary Rangacharyulu

Professor, University of Saskatoon Department of Physics and Engineering

Headhot for Brian
Bryan Kosteroski

Value Chain Specialist, Agriculture Council of Saskatchewan