Discover Saskatoon

Western Development Museum at the Past Forward Gala: WDM through the Decades.

Event September 12th
Time 5:00pm - 9:00pm

We are celebrating the anniversary of the Western Development Museum at the Past Forward Gala: WDM through the Decades.

Officially opening in 1949 the four locations of the WDM have seen many homes and changes over the years. Reminisce with us and gather to honour our heritage and history together.

Guests are encouraged to dress up in any costumes or clothes representing their favorite decade.

2610 Lorne Ave
Sakatoon SK S7J 0S6

A promotional image for the "Past Forward: WDM Through the Decades Gala" at WDM Saskatoon. The event date is September 12, 2024,
Date: Thu, Sep 12 2024

2610 Lorne Ave
Sakatoon SK S7J 0S6

Location: Western Development Museum
Time: 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Price: Tickets: $135 per person (plus GST, PST and admin fee) $1,000 table of 8 (plus GST, PST and admin fee)
Phone: 3069341400
Western Development Museum at the Past Forward Gala: WDM through the Decades.

2610 Lorne Ave
Sakatoon SK S7J 0S6