Discover Saskatoon

Susan Aglukark - This Child 30th Anniversary Tour

Event March 15, 2025
Time 8pm - 10pm

Doors at 7PM. Show at 8PM.

Susan Aglukark is Canada’s first Inuk artist to win a Juno (4), a Governor General’s Performing Arts Award for lifetime artistic achievement, and she is an officer of the Order of Canada. Susan holds several Honourary Doctorate degrees and has held command performances. Her journey as a singer-songwriter began in the early 1990’s when she began her writing and recording career. In Susan’s early reflections was the discovery of the platform as learning, sharing and healing, this inspired her major label debut album This Child, released in January 1995.

She has since written and recorded 10 albums, founded the Arctic Rose Foundation, authored two children’s books and has a personal memoir in the works. Susan is embarking on her 30 th Anniversary of This Child Tour with special guest Angela Amarualik. Her writing of This Child brought her to a personal call to action, get on the platform and speak up, learn, heal, share, this has been her work for these 30 years.

715 Broadway Ave
Saskatoon SK S7N 1B3

Image of Susan Aglukark. Text says: This child 30th anniversary tour. March 15th at 8pm at the broadway theatre. Tickets available at
Presented By: Broadway Theatre
Date: Sat, Mar 15 2025

715 Broadway Ave
Saskatoon SK S7N 1B3

Location: The Broadway Theatre
Time: 8pm - 10pm
Price: $57 for General Admission
Phone: (306)652-6556
Susan Aglukark - This Child 30th Anniversary Tour

715 Broadway Ave
Saskatoon SK S7N 1B3