Discover Saskatoon

Mothers' Day Pancake Breakfast

Event Sunday May 12th
Time 10am to 1pm

Mothers' Day Pancake Breakfast
May 12th 10am to 1pm

Treat mom to a fluffy pancakes and savory sausages for Mothers Day at the Saskatoon Farmers' Market Sunday May 12th
Cost: $9 per plate of 3 pancakes & 3 sausages.

2600 Koyl Ave.
Saskatoon SK S7L5X9

cartoon drawn pancakes on a pink plate with syrup, with Mothers' day Pancake Breakfast written
Date: Sun, May 12 2024

2600 Koyl Ave.
Saskatoon SK S7L5X9

Location: Saskatoon Farmers' Market
Time: 10am to 1pm
Phone: 3063846262
Mothers' Day Pancake Breakfast

2600 Koyl Ave.
Saskatoon SK S7L5X9