Indigenous Artist in Residence Meet and Greet
The public is invited to meet Free Flow Dance Theatre's Indigenous Artist in Residence Bruce Sinclair.
Join us for an informal meet and greet at the Free Flow Dance Centre from 4:30-6:30 pm on Wednesday April 3rd. Get to know Bruce, enjoy our facility, and hear about his plans for his residency. Lights snacks and beverages will be served.
Bruce Sinclair is a Metis theatre artist, teacher, student of the nehiyawewin (Cree) and Michif languages and is currently based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Bruce formed an artistic entity, miyoteh performance that will develop and produce works based on working with Indigenous artists, youth, elders, the nehiyawewin\michif languages as well as artistic collaborations with diverse communities. Bruce teaches drama at the University of Saskatchewan to SUNTEP\ITEP students, acts, directs, writes plays\stories and strives to merge artistic practice with life. Ahki meyimo (do your best
224 25th St. W.
Saskatoon S7L0C4